Ian Hedley is an Italian Casting Style instructor
My Dad took me on my first fishing trip before I was old enough to attend school. As a teenager I had a go and became addicted to fly fishing. Happily I have not found a cure for my addiction and enjoy all aspects of the sport. About 10 years ago I became interested in Italian style casting. When I realised that Massimo and his team would be demonstrating the style in Yorkshire I made it my business to attend. I am glad that I did. Apart from casting, I tie my own flies (after a fashion) help with habitat improvement works, as well as carrying out insect monitoring for the worlds oldest angling society – Salford Friendly Anglers Society. I am a member of several other angling clubs. Since my wife will read this i had better not list them all (Hello Kath). I enjoy sharing my passion for all things associated with fly fishing and cane rods – which contrary to popular belief are not expensive.